Filipino educational institution adheres to the principles of educating the
young generations to become responsible citizens of tomorrow. It aspires to
make and create a community of skillful and liberated persons enriched by
Filipino heritages diverse cultures and equality teachings and who will be
living witness of the institutions through dynamic service to all communities
in faith, justice, peace and love.
vision, the institution declares it mission to for a well being and integrated
persons and children by providing a scientific and religious educational system
where main concern is to develop the values of Filipino to become the
responsible citizens of tomorrow.
an institution of learning, the LIPOL
GRACE ACADEMY INCORPORATED seeks to provide its students and let them
imbibe the experiences and identity in teaching of history and learn the
concept and appropriate their identity so that they will develop their skills
and talents, then excel in all fields of learning experiences. Furthermore, LIPOL GRACE ACADEMY INCORPORATED learns
to unfold the students of Lipol, Sarangani, Davao del Sur and tress their
participation in the nation building. Adheres to the national goals of
uplifting the economic growth liberating the people from the bondage of poverty
and toss the standard of living of all Filipino and above all to be equal in
terms of economic standard of big and established school in the entire region.
a non-stock and non-sectarian school, the LIPOL
GRACE ACADEMY INCORPORATED intends to develop in its students, the system
if give and take and respect the cultures and traditions, beliefs of other
people, to instill in their minds the love of God and country, to stand firm in
their faith and live up to their expectations, LIPOL GRACE ACADEMY INCORPORATED will accept students from all
walks of life regardless of their religious beliefs and it also aims to develop
civic awareness in their community. Uphold the values of true Filipino who is
God fearing and God loving children.
shall not adhere to any particular religious activities or rites in the measure
of learning process.
a private educational institution in the Philippines the LIPOL GRACE ACADEMY INCORPORATED seeks to nester its students to
the national issues pertaining to the present system of government to that we
well being and national security will be guarded. Also attunes its studentry to
the values education as one of the indicator for the national progress,
meaning, if all Filipinos are educated, then development can easily be
a high school institution, the LIPOL
GRACE ACADEMY INCORPORATED adopt a democratic system of learning process,
upholds the dignity of students regardless of the ability and status of life.
students will be given equal treatment and equal opportunity to learn, to give
what is due to them. The LIPOL GRACE
ACADEMY INCORPORATED will safeguard the interest of the students and
welfare of the faculty members, staff and its constituents.
Philosophy of the LIPOL GRACE ACADEMY
INCORPORATED is the educations of the Young generations to become
responsible citizens of tomorrow in the Philippines, God-loving and peace
loving children living in the complex society like the Philippines with
cultural diversity. Education for the children and of the youth to become fully
human and fully alive regardless of sex, race, age and economic status.
that wisdom is knowledge. Acquisition of knowledge is a life-long process.
Students will learn best in loving atmosphere where their individual security,
needs and interest are realized in various
learning and educational activities.
High school education conceives the role of student in the community or
society. To mold the mind and skills of the children and educate them,
develop their capabilities. This important part cannot stand apart from it. The
will align itself to the different social institutions like the church, family
and government in order to bring and avail all the privileges of these
institutions for the betterment of the learning system.