Friday, September 20, 2013


Ms. Elonah Melendrez and Jay Mike Melendrez in their pose during the last
day of Intramurals  the  closing of LGA Intrams 2013, Saturday September 14, 2013 

September 13, 2013 marks a significant moment for the two individuals  namely Ms. Elonah Melendrez  15 years of age a third year high school and her cousin Jay Mike Melendrez a fourth year high school for they were crowned as the new  King and Queen of beauty and brain of Lipol Grace Academy for this year 2013.  Ms. Elonah Melendrez a very simple yet clever young lass unanimously agreed by the judges to be the winner. A soft spoken yet gorgeous in her red gown during the coronation night. Ms. Melendrez in a short interview could not believe that she was the winner.

 During the  contest of beauty and talent she was one of the most talented candidates joined the pageant this year. Ms. Melendrez won as Best in Talent , Ms. Photogenic, Best in Casual Attire and Best in Production- Festival Attire and People's Choice Award, the pronouncement of winner was very thrilling because the first person to be announced by the emcee is the new queen , the two remaining candidates  were Elonah Melendrez and Ms, Erika Pagobo, then in just a second the emcee pronounced the new Ms. LGA and it was Elonah. Everyone watching the pageant screamed and shout Elonah's name as they seemed agree also of the judgment. 

Elonah and Jay Mike in their Festival attire both garnered Best in
Festival attire held September 13, 2013 

Meanwhile,  pronouncement of Mr. LGA followed. The remaining male candidates are number  two  and number six. It was Mr. Devan Lee Balatawan and Mr. Jay Mike Melendrez then unexpectedly Jay Mike Melendrez got the crown.  Jay Mike also garnered minor awards like Best in Festival Attire, Mr. Photogenic and Best Male festival Attire. During his talent presentation, though have not won the best however ladies were screaming as he showed stunning and beautiful performance doing bottle juggling. It was believed to be a memorable pageant because Elonah and Jay Mike are cousins and unexpectedly they dominated this year's pageant.  

Vicente A. Dalumpines , the school president , was very thankful and grateful to the supporters and all the teaching force of Lipol  Grace  Academy for a another milestone and success of Lipol Grace Academy. 

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